Tuesday, February 28, 2017

February 2017

Its crazy to believe that our program is about to come to an end in the span of about 2 months. Its felt like the semester to this program just began just two weeks ago, and for the first time in a while, we have our first "break" in quite a while. This break is a great time for me to do some personal house keeping on the random minor things in life such as schedule organizing, car maintenance, and some personal education (Cocktail making and Nutrition).

After experiencing Mardi Gras working outside of the uptown bubble/undergraduate setting, I must say that I have found a brand new respect for the service industry, and the people comprised of it. Obviously, most people in their everyday interactions don't actively intend to be rude or tote a superior attitude, but after a long grinding day of problems, unexpected nuisances, and stress that "attitude" is difficult to conceal and inadvertently reveals itself. There is an expectation for the service industry to brunt this, but if the establishment is lucky and well off enough, they can use the traditional "It's time for you to leave" move.

but that option is unavailable to us as medical professionals, and to ensure the best quality of care, it would behoove us to treat our patients (customers) as best as we can so that they may follow compliance. More and more I see medicine more of as service industry job, and that sometimes the best way to treat our patients to teach them as our patrons.

Monday, February 13, 2017

January 2016-- A bit late still here

If there is one way I could describe January, it would absolutely be with the term hectic. Classes have become doubled, times are more sporadic, and exams are administered closer and closer every day. It seems that with every finished exam, there is an assignment, presentation, or seminar to attend leaving very little time to relax, unwind and enjoy the fruits of our labor. But perhaps its better that way, to remain busy, moving on from objective to objective and learning to appreciate the rest and time off we can afford, as it is more emulative of a medical work environment.

January has been a month of preparation and new experiences. Planning out meals that fulfill my roommate's new diet, combined with impending tax returns, part-time jobs, and personal responsibilities to health and household have made the month chaotic but also rewarding when the planning does go right. However, through all these experiences, I have been able to deepen my relationships with both my co-workers and fellow students.

Given my current work schedule, along with the changed scheduling of classes this semester, I have to re-evaluate my schedule so that I may resume volunteering at the GoldRing nutrition center. I'm looking forward to see who I'll meet there next

Until next time,
Matthew To